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An Open Letter to My Daughter

Oh my sweet girl. I'll never be able to adequately express the influence you've had over my life in such a short time. You have changed me in all the best ways and I'm eternally grateful to Jesus for sending me you. You have helped me through days I didn't know if I would get through with just one little laugh. That laugh brightens any room.

I was scared when I found out about you. So scared. It took me a long time to process I would be bringing a child into this world in a few short months. This perfect, innocent angel has been entrusted to me to take care of and guard from this evil world. That was a lot for my immature mind. I was not in a great place before you came along and changed it all.

You've been a pistol since day 1! As soon as you came out and they laid you on me, you decided to make things interesting. They snatched you off of me and put the oxygen mask on you. I was getting fixed up and there were so many people in the room, you had 5 around you. I couldn't see and had an oxygen mask on myself so couldn't ask what was going on. That was the longest 10 minutes of my life. You finally decided to quit playing and I got to hold and feed you. You latched on so quickly! You've had this life figured out since day 1.

Watching you grow has been the single greatest experience of my life. The hardest parts of parenting have little to do with the actual parenting. That's the fun part. You like your routines so every two hours, almost down to the minute, you were ready to eat. We spent many sleepless nights together, some just crying together and laying there. But I always felt so much love. I was grateful to be able to experience that with YOU! You have taught me so much about unconditional love.

It's also helped me learn more about God's love for us. He loves us so much more than I even love you! It's hard to fathom. I've also learned about God's "rules" for us. They're the equivalent to toddler rules. They are there to keep you safe while still having fun. I never want to take away fun from you, but I am called to keep your little wild self safe. Thats what Jesus does for us. I am so grateful for all that He has revealed to me since blessing me with you. He makes me a better mom than I could ever hope to be on my own. And He's protecting you, my sweet girl.

Watching you learn and grow has been incredible. I truly beam with pride if you even learn a new sound! I cheer on every single accomplishment and always will. You are the sweetest little thing and it makes my heart swell. The other day you saw my sweet boy give me a kiss and you ran over and said "kiss!" And kissed me. And I cried. You then went right back to playing because you can't stop, won't stop. You are so smart and funny. And that attitude, shewww sis you're going to be a world changer.

I love you more than words can express and am so, so proud of you. I can't wait to see who you become and all the lives you'll touch. You've already got a golden track record. You've made many strangers smile and I always beam with pride. You're simply amazing.

"The older you get, the better you get. Unless you're a banana." -Betty White

Always here,

Miss. Misunderstood

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Jul 29, 2023

You really don’t know the definition of love still you look in the eyes of your children it is something you just can’t explain the joy happiness smiles laughs cry’s you will cover all the emotions but I see you are a awesome mommy Kalyn❤️❤️


Kevin Roberts
Kevin Roberts
Jul 29, 2023

Loving your child the way a good parent does is so small to the way God loves all of us and as a human, that is hard to imagine. Finite compared to Infinite…mind blowing!

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