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Gotta Start Somewhere (small trigger warning)

One of the most difficult things for me is getting started. I tend to come up with these ideas I get super excited about but then overthink it so it's picture perfect and end up so overwhelmed I've done nothing but spend a gross amount of money and have a million moving parts.

I've wanted to create a safe outlet to express myself while also encouraging others for quite some time now. But unfinished work creates an immense amount of anxiety for me. For months now, I've come up with so many ideas and couldn't find the courage to make the move. This is difficult for me; but I want to be real. I want people to know we can be raw with each other and it doesn't make us look weak; quite the opposite actually! Being open about what is truly inside of that beautiful mind creates incredible connections. Does anyone want forced relationships? I know I sure don't.

I find beauty in the messy chaos. Those who know me, know I am one hot mess. Odds are I'll be running late, I spilled something on my outfit, and it'll look like I just wrestled an alligator (toddler mom life) but I'll show up for you. Empathy is one of my greatest strengths and I can say that confidently now. I want to be the support I needed when I didn't have it.

*Trigger Warning starts here*

I don't want another person to ever isolate themselves so much, no one knows they're deciding between airing the finale or going to an inpatient mental facility. But instead, decide to see if their body is as numb as their mind is. And then talk down to themself because they can, in fact, feel physical pain.

If you understand what I mean by those statements, I want to talk to you. I want to build a community of mental health advocates so strong NO ONE ever thinks they have to fight this battle alone. It's time to truly change the stigma that surrounds mental health awareness.

If anyone ever needs a listening ear or just needs that little bit of understanding, I'm ready to talk when you are!

"Before you marry a person, you should first make them use a computer with slow internet to see who they really are." -Will Ferrell

Always here,

Miss. Misunderstood

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1 Comment

Jun 25, 2023

Beautiful an for sure a trigger.. you said it perfectly!

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