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The Beginning

Hi readers and friends! Welcome to a dream come true, my very own blog. I've done the free ones before and put minimal effort into it and it showed. This go round I want to do it right.

This blog will focus on some very real topics involving the path to self-discovery and tackling life's many challenges (sometimes) with a smile. My desire is for this to be an open and safe space for some very heavy topics. I will provide trigger warnings when necessary and I will encourage that if you personally know any of the characters that might be mentioned, you read with caution. I will do my very best to keep privacy considered, no real names will be used, but it's time for me to tell my story. It's time for me to use all the challenges I've overcome to encourage others to keep going.

I want to give a little insight into what I'm planning on discussing! I am a mental health advocate on a mission to create a more inclusive world. I've been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder and depression. I've been in a couple emotionally abusive relationships that left me questioning how well I had a grip on reality. I've hit rock bottom, multiple times.

What I've learned along the way is this; you might hit rock bottom, but you don't have to stay there. Strength isn't formed in the easy seasons; iron is made in the fire. I don't have all the answers and I will never claim to. Writing is therapeutic for me. It helps me process the heavy emotions and make sense of the world around me. I've recently learned you are only as strong as your support system, whatever that may look like. I want to be a source of support for those who need a little bit of grace and understanding.

I am full of joy and hope for this new endeavor! Thank you for joining me in this roller coaster of a life. I can't wait to see where this leads!

"We were born crying and confused; and it just got worse from there" -I don't remember where I heard this but I relate

Always here,

Miss. Misunderstood

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