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The Murder of the Middle Class

In America, the middle class is suffering. We are being bled dry and treated like we're uneducated, country folk. I am not disregarding the struggles the other socioeconomic classes face daily. I am simply highlighting how greatly many of us are suffering in silence. We feel like we shouldn't say anything, because we are at least able to make the most basic bills. This is the class that on paper, make too much money for the government to assist. But we're also the group that can't get approved for a loan because of our financial situation. Many of us have student loan debt out the wazoo because we were told we couldn't make money without that degree. But we also can't get a job in our field because we don't have years of experience... (maybe that's generational?)

So we resort to putting our noses down and working hard. We work jobs that we hate just to be able to barely scrape by that month. Groceries and other necessities are put on credit cards. Inflation has most people making under 100k living paycheck to paycheck and beating ourselves up because we think we should have more money in the bank. I used to be able to go grab a good snack for about $7. The other day it was $12. Almost double! The upper class doesn't realize how much that hurts those of us with less disposable income. And yes, I try to plan my snacks in the grocery budget but sometimes my cravings don't comprehend meal planning.

Don't get me wrong, I'm extremely grateful and count my blessings that even when it's hard, we make ends meet. That's a blessing by itself and I don't take that for granted. But sometimes it's hard giving up so much time with my daughter and husband trying to help get us to a better place. I'm so grateful I'm able to work and get my graduate degree in a subject I'm so passionate about. I have the best professors and mentors I could dream of and God is good; all the time. My family and friends are some of the most solid people you will ever meet. I am blessed. I'm grateful I'm able to work so hard and chase my dreams.

There's just so many unnecessary outside factors that can be fixed relatively easily. It's hard to have a savings account that looks like a 12 year old's lemonade stand income. Especially with how unpredictable life is; now more than ever. It's wild to me how much more money I make now than I did a couple of years ago, and how little I have to show for it. Sometimes it's disheartening. But I am praying hard that no matter what happens politically, things start to look up. I have faith in America and the people- even with all of the complaints. I just know we can do better and can't settle for less than. I'm fighting for the country I want to raise my daughter in. If you're ever unsure what to do when faced with a decision, think about what you would want your child to do if they were in your position. Most of the time, the answer becomes obnoxiously obvious.

*cue We're All in This Together*

Okay, I'm done. All of the quotes I want to use that I think are funny are controversial so I'm playing it smart for the first time and keeping my mouth shut. Jesus has been working on me and holding my tongue. Look at God!

Always here,

Miss. Misunderstood

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