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The Stigma

Stigma. Such an ugly word. Such an ugly attitude. Why is it that human nature leads us to want to believe stereotypes? Why do we want to categorize a whole entire person, based on one single characteristic? Why are we so quick to write someone off as a human being, because their brain or body functions differently than our own? Are we to a point in society we can admit that's nasty?

I'm a Christian, single mom. With a diagnosed anxiety disorder and depression. And currently working on a new eval because I'm pretty sure there's another diagnosis that's been missed up to this point. I'm all too familiar with stigma. It's one of my first fears when I start worrying. It terrifies me. I used to work hard to hide things to avoid being labeled. It is so scary to allow yourself to be labeled, potentially for life, based on something you have no control over. If you haven't faced this, imagine having one of your biggest weaknesses and challenges used against you for the rest of your life. A diagnosis follows you. Needing accommodations follows you. Some people get it. Some write you off before ever speaking to you. Or right after they speak to you, that's harder for me.

I chose to be open about my life challenges. And it has labeled me. I've been called many, many names due to my anxiety and depression. I have been attacked where people knew it would hurt me most in hopes of breaking me down for good. I'm not sure if their goal was that I end up in a psychiatric hospital, but that's almost what their actions caused. And I've still chosen to forgive those people. Sometimes, I have to do it every single day. Because while I was unfairly labeled, I don't want to label someone else as an insensitive asshole based on a few actions.

There's stigma attached to most things in this world unfortunately. But I've never been one to be afraid to ruffle a few feathers for the betterment of society as a whole. It is not always a strength, but it's a trait I like about myself. I'm willing to stand up for what I believe in. I'm willing to fight for justice no matter who I have to fight to get there. I'm not easily intimidated by those who question or doubt me. And mark my words, I will never stop fighting for mental health awareness and removing the stigma that comes with it. It's not fair. It makes things harder for those already struggling.

And let me just state very clearly, if you are the kind of person that "doesn't believe" in mental health, please don't say that out loud unless you're prepared for an argument. That's ignorance. Ignorance isn't your fault until you are presented with solid knowledge and still refuse to change your beliefs because it requires too much work. And I do not have the patience for those kind of people. If you don't want to learn and be better, keep your mouth shut and spare us all the torture of listening to your arrogant self. TIA.

I am one of the most open people you will ever meet. Once I have processed my emotions, I have no issues speaking openly about them. I will have a conversation with anyone who can use logic to debate and not personal insults. Actually, I love when people challenge me. It forces me to expand my own mind and see things in a way I didn't previously. But I also have some strong opinions that likely will never change because they are rooted in logic and sound judgement. I have worked hard to come to the conclusions I have around opinions by gathering research and forming my opinion based on facts.

We all have our own unique personal characteristics and experiences that have created the person we are today. It is completely normal to disagree with one another! However, the manner in which we go about those disagreements says more about who we are than the disagreements themselves. Let's remember to always respect each other and be kind first and the rest will follow.

"Would I rather be feared or loved? Easy. Both. I want people to be afraid of how much they love me." -Michael Scott, The Office

Always here,

Miss. Misunderstood

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Jun 28, 2023

When people try to create a stigma in someone else and degrade them, it really shows how insecure they are in themselves and that they are lashing out at others. There's a saying "You can't fight stupid" or ignorance, unfortunately that is often true. How can you argue compassion with an uncompassionate person? or how can you discuss kindness with an unkind person? You really can't, but that's not your weakness, its theirs. I hope everyone in our group gains strength from this group, no matter what you are facing. There is strength in knowledge and there is strength in numbers. Let's be a support for each other and we, in turn, will become stronger ourselves. Reading people's comments and…


Unknown member
Jun 28, 2023

Yay science and data! You are not alone, you’ve got those of use that came before you who will always back you up. You don’t know this yet, but being the youngest in my family and growing up being told girls can’t do certain things (like go to a 4 year college-that wasn’t that long ago, 1996!), I’ve become quite opinionated and vocal. And according to California, loud. :-).

Kalyn Roberts
Kalyn Roberts
Jun 28, 2023
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I think we will get along just fine!


Jun 28, 2023

You are so wise beyond your years you are a very sweet well rounded young lady with so much good knowledge and truth and I am honored to be you Aunt. Everyone can definitely learn something from you and your words I totally agree. I grew up with mental health all around me from being raised in a family owned nursing home and I thought of each one as family and I learned a lot from listening. Where like you said people look at them and judge first. Love you and your words Kalyn proud of what you are doing.

Kalyn Roberts
Kalyn Roberts
Jun 28, 2023
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Thank you so much for the kind words! I can’t wait to meet you!

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